Jason Jones

Jason Jones

Training Specialist

Law Enforcement Innovation Center

Office: (865) 946-3201
1201 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Suite 101
Oak Ridge, TN 37830

Jason Jones is a training specialist for the National Forensic Academy (NFA). He brings over 25 years of experience in criminal/crime scene investigations. He is a graduate of Georgia Military College in Milledgeville, GA, and Shorter University in Rome, GA. 

Before joining LEIC, Jason worked for the Georgia Department of Public Safety as a criminalist and forensics instructor. At the Georgia Public Safety Training Center, he taught courses on crime scene investigation, bloodstain pattern analysis, latent print development, and basic training for coroners and death investigators. He served as a board member on the Georgia Coroner’s Training Council, where he was instrumental in elevating the standards for training Georgia’s coroners and deputy coroners.

Jason is a graduate of the 46th session of the NFA, where he was selected by his peers as the class leader. His memberships include the International Association for Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, the International Association for Identification and the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.



