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Adela Bonta

Adela Bonta

Training Specialist

Naifeh Center for Effective Leadership

Mobile: (615) 549-0860
193 Polk Avenue, Suite F
Nashville, TN 37210

Adela Bonta serves as training coordinator of the Naifeh Center for Effective Leadership. Previously, Adela worked in secondary education and higher education for over 15 years. She has designed, facilitated and implemented retreats, workshops and various university programs. She loves learning and believes that effective training promotes individual growth, strengthens teams and improves organizational effectiveness.

She holds bachelor's degrees in French and English from Babes-Bolyai University in Romania; a master’s degree in English with a specialization in teaching English as a second language from Bowling Green State University in Ohio; and a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in human resources management from Saint Leo University in Florida. 

In her free time, she enjoys reading and taking long walks with her husband and their golden retriever.



Cultural Competency/Diversity
Leadership Training/Strategy